Kick-Sugar Workshop

Have you tried to conquer your sugar cravings with sheer willpower, tough love, and deprivation, unsuccessfully? It’s time to ditch the old-school strategies and learn a new, more effective way to kick sugar for good.


So what does work? Our “Kick Sugar” workshop will teach you a new approach to overcoming your sugar addiction that is based on understanding, support, and practical strategies for making lasting changes to your diet and lifestyle. Join us and discover how to take control of your cravings and improve your health and well-being without relying on the old, ineffective ways through willpower, tough love, or deprivation.

Take the kick-sugar workshop to help kick that sugar addiction to the curb!*

*Select the date of May 12th to sign up for the workshop. The workshop will be conducted online so there is no need to leave your house!

Sign-up Today!